
Seven is a magic number

There are seven wonders of the world, seven deadly sins, seven samurai, the magnificent seven, seven dwarves and…. seven pounds gone from my body. Yes, I weighed in this morning at 14stone 7lbs. That’s half a stone (7 lbs) gone.…

I’ve taken the plunge

I’ve signed up for two triathlons. 19/06/2011 – Henley Triathlon02/07/2011 – The Shock Absorber WomenOnly triathlon They’re Novice/fun distances with 2.5k run sections in case I can’t run again by then, but I just need to feel like a triathlete…

Weekend success

So, we had the show. Saturday was great and Sunday not so much. I stood all day Saturday as my posture really goes to hell if I sit down too long. By the afternoon, my feet were killing me, but…


Because I sit at a desk all day, I get no reprieve from the grip and tuck posture exercises my physio has given me to stabilize my hypermobile pelvis and it’s exhausting. Well, more emotionally than physically, really, but tiring…

Fat is a mentalist issue

You are fortunate if you have learned the difference between temporary defeat and failure, more fortunate still if you have learned the truth that the very seed of success is dormant in every defeat that you experience. Napoleon Hill A…

I need goals for focus

so, yesterday, I signed up for the Shock Absorber WomenOnly triathlon training day in May 2011. It will be held at the same venue as the race, the beautiful and serene Dorney Lake, so I’m really looking forward to going back…

So, where was I

Oh yes, so, I was saying how I got the slipped (or, more accurately, herniated or, if you need a giggle, “prolapsed” *snigger* ) disc. Well, that’s a stupidly long story, as these things often are, so I’ll start in…

Previous Short post

Due to utterly pants nature of blogging on an iphone. I’d typed in, painstakingly, correcting what seemed like helpful, yet wildly inaccurate auto corrections, only to have the whole post disappear when I dared leave my phone unattended for 2…